We don't need to be having Water problems.
We don't need to be having Wildfire problems.
We don't need to be having Power problems.
We don't need to be having Homelessness problems.
We don't need to be having Drug problems.
We Don't Need to be having Safety Problems.
We don't need to be having Two hour commute problems.

We have many solutions to apply, and lots of work to do


agenda 47

>101 Million Californians by 2047

(Read more on the Platform page)


[Click the blue links for candidate endorsements]

A recent survey found that only 4.41% of the people asked believe that their government is fulfilling its mandate. That's horrific, though not surprising. How far removed from our Trustees have we become?

After the 2020 selection, I realized that my participation was required in order to restore our republic so that all may have a fair chance at a dignified life. So I started learning about America, then sharing the amazing things I was learning. The first educational event I hosted was called "Constitution and Chill." That morphed into a weekly planning and educational meeting. Out of that was formed the American Inspirators, a think tank focused on restoring our republic. Now, I am working on a documentary about the Purpose of Government, inspired by a speech our Mayor gave.

I'm trying many different things because I want to wake up “We the People” to our responsibilities as Citizens of our Republic, the United States of America- a sovereign nation. This campaign is a new effort towards the same end.

We should not let our past define the choices we make in the present, for these are the moments that define our future. A fresh start is what we need now to reignite the vibrant spirit of the city we call home. So when you question the times, with all the craziness going on, always remember the many times our republic overcame impossible situations because the People reached for the stars, dreamt big, and accepted only the best. The situation today is the same.

If you would like to me to get on the ballot for the March 5 election, nominate me today.

What if our government fulfilled its mandate?

"Gee, that'd be great!" -Man who just learned the mandate for our government

Check out the Platform

Thank you for reading.

Godspeed and God Bless,


Enjoy :)