Enable the pursuit of happiness for

101 Million Californians by 2047

agenda 47

read more about the


In 1862, an Editorial in the Times of London reads:

“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its’ origins in North America, shall be endured down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debt and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedence in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

What is this financial policy to which he's referring?


"The Congress shall have the Power To coin Money" -Article 1 Section 8

We can have an abundance of Water. We can prevent Wildfires.
We can generate plenty of Power safely and cleanly. People can have productive, well-paying, purposeful Work. One income can support a full Family again. Life can be so interesting we don't use Drugs to escape. We can have a city where we feel Safe walking anywhere at night. We can shorten our Commutes and make them more enjoyable. We can reverse the trend  and Lengthen Lifespans again.

We have lots of challenges ahead of us.
It's not our fault we have these problems,
But it is our responsibility to solve them.

The tools are available.

This is our inheritance.

Hello. My name is Arjun Sodhani, 31 years old. My parents came here from their respective countries because America was the land of life, liberty, and opportunity. I heard that my grandfather told my father, "Go to America, there is nothing for you here." Now, he may have said, "Go elsewhere, this place is going to hell in a handbasket." But where else is there to go?

Take inventory. Are we a happy people? Are we a healthy people? Are we a thriving people? Are we a fed people? Are we a housed people? Are we a united people? Are we a sovereign nation?


Our nation is on the brink of collapse. We see that more and more every day. The news is all fear, uncertainty, doubt, and division! In order to reverse the trend, we must put into offices of public trust people that are beholden to the People, not private financial special interests. The American system of economics, which places People above profit, must be reestablished, as expressed by Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, William McKinley, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. We now, collectively, must do it again, and bulletproof it.

We can build a sovereign nation that turns the paper proclamations of our founders to a way of life. We can build an economy where our people are fed, housed, productive, united, at peace with other nations, and at liberty to pursue their happiness.

The kinetic battle to establish the legal foundation for all of this has already been fought and won by a group of men who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to give us this gift. We are incredibly fortunate, because they gave us a brand new system, never before seen by the human race, our Government's purpose for existing is to 


To advance the well-doing, well-being, health, blessings, exemption from evil or calamity, prosperity, and happiness of humanity.

WHat would promote the general welfare?

Check out the 

What if our government did that?

"Gee, that'd be great!" --Man who just learned our government's mandate

for god and country - LEARN!

The future of our nation depends on our ability to learn* about America. Its history, its economics, its law, and its responsibilities.

The founding fathers wrote extensively on the need for an educated and involved Citizenry because

Alexander Hamilton put it this way:

"It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force."

When a woman asked Benjamin Franklin as he was coming out of the Constitutional Convention what kind of government we got, he put it bluntly:

"A republic, if you can keep it."

Thomas Jefferson also puts the responsibility on the people:

"Who will govern the governors? There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves. They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray."

Our founding fathers had tremendous faith in the people, and they gave us a system of government where the People are on top in the order of authority, then fought a bloody battle, many of them losing everything, to make it legally significant. 
















* Learn means: fully enable your capacity for free thought, take in lots of information from lots of sources, discern the real from the fake, overwrite existing thoughts and ideas with new thoughts and ideas when necessary, all while remaining detached from instructor personality and unaffected by emotional appeals.

Here's a 2 minute Constitution class to get you started:

The People created the United States of America in order to:

for the benefit of ourselves and future generations.

That's what anyone who takes the oath is supposed to do. Any thing not in alignment with these objectives is out of scope, as per Article 6.

Report from the Committee of Style and Arrangement to the Constitutional Convention. 

Article 6, Paragraph 2: 

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;  and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

Congratulations. I hereby bestow on you the accolade of "Constitutional Scholar: Top 1%"

You are now more qualified to take the oath of office than probably 99% of people who do.

To me, fulfillment of our Constitutional mandate includes the elimination of the above challenges

For that reason, I am candidate for a position of trust, and I recommend you be one as well.

What position?

Doesn't really matter. Whatever you feel would be best in your situation. People suggested I run for assembly, school board, sheriff, and BART Board. Doesn't really matter. You can learn the job. There are a lot of things to fix so there's work to do no matter what you choose. One person can only do so much. A team can make the dream work. Practically, it shouldn't be that difficult either. I imagine we'll need more courage than experience.

A lot of people think they won't make good representatives because they aren't lawyers or know Law very well. Lucky for us, you don't need to know Law to be a good representative, because America is a Common Law a/k/a Natural Law Republic, as per the Declaration of '76. Everything is governed by common sense. Ask someone, "Have you ever read any of the laws?" Probably not, unless s/he's an attorney. You live by your basic sense of right and wrong in your hearts, not by some rule written somewhere. A common sense discussion group is all we need to arrive at the right decisions.

Common sense check: Who would write better agricultural legislation: an attorney or a farmer?

I am running for Assembly

What would I do as Assemblyman of the 19th district?

I would get all the people who know how to solve and are currently solving above problems together and have them help me write bills to effect the solutions. [See? No experience needed, I'm not going to write my own bills. Wait isn't that what happens now?] 

Take a look at some of the bills passed by the current Assemblyman:

AB 264: Provides community colleges the flexibility to observe Lunar New Year as a school holiday.

AB 1347: Requires businesses with $25M in annual revenue to provide a printed receipt only upon the request of the customer. Any paper receipts must be printed on paper that is BPA/BPS free and not be longer than necessary.

AB 783: Enforces existing law to ensure that businesses designate all single-user restrooms as “all gender” facilities.

AB 449: Mandates law enforcement agencies to adopt a hate crimes policy and follow specific guidelines.

AB1X 1: Requires only one refinery in California to undergo scheduled maintenance at a time to ensure that there is sufficient oil supply.

AB 1267: Creates an electric vehicles (EV) incentive program focused on high gas users to maximize gasoline displacement in the state, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and facilitate the transition to EVs.

AB 579: Requires that all purchases of new school buses be zero emission by 2035 and extends the maximum length of transportation service and leasing contracts for zero emission buses.


Looking at that, I can imagine what my bills might look like:

AB 47: Requires the essential infrastructure of our state to be improved to support a population of 101 million Californians living comfortably at an improved average standard of living by 2047.

AB 1789: Creates an American Education incentive program focused on bringing subject matter experts to teach American law, civics, history, and philosophy as defined in our founding documents at schools across the state.

AB 1215: Establishes a Committee to create, oversee, and administer Sheriffs Academy. Adds the requirement of "Completion of Sheriffs Academy" to the training process of all law enforcement officers.

AB 99: Requires the writer and sponsors of any bill put forth to attest/affirm to, in affidavit form, the bill's alignment with Constitutional Supreme Law, including the measurable criteria to be checked 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years after passage. Any bill failing the test is automatically null and void, as if it had never been passed, without a judge having to declare it so.

AB 420: Mandates potable water be free from harmful substances, including fluoride.

AB ???: . . . What else do you want? Let me know what bills to write.

Yea, it's not rocket science... but we should be encouraging rocket science. I want us to go back to the moon. There's a lot of cool things we'll get out of that too. That's why my card is this:

If you live in District 19, you can nominate me to get me on the ballot.

Find a detailed and interactive map of all of California here: 


101 nominations will get me on the ballot for the [party] primary election

Who else is running?

A lot of people who never thought they would get involved with politics. But maybe they knew it all along, that something would have to be done at some point. 

I believe now is that point.

Check out my


Includes other candidates who I endorse

What do you even run on?

Go to our Constitution for the base platform.

Build on it.

What you saw above was straight out of our Constitution:


To advance the well-doing, well-being, health, blessings, exemption from evil or calamity, prosperity, and happiness of humanity.

WHat would promote the general welfare?

Check out the 

What if our government did that?

"Gee, that'd be great!" --Man who just learned our government's mandate

Thank you for reading my page, and thank you for considering my candidacy. I wish you well in your endeavors. 

Godspeed and God Bless.


PS: Enjoy some of the interesting things below

Why you should run for office:

 Short follow up speech to listen to:

A political cartoon by the McKinley for President campaign. McKinley was another one of the presidents that was assassinated, probably for the same reason as and Kennedy and Lincoln. With him out of the way, the path to preparing to blow up the world to start WWI was clearer.

The mission of the SFGOP is to "win elections." There are zero Republicans in office in San Francisco, and have been for many, many decades. That's an epic failure. A long-time Republican in California, who sent me an email in 2021 when I was working on the  Governor recall, is the inspiration for this meme. Read the email here.

Something interesting I noticed when playing around with a $10 bill.

The colonies were business enterprises, chartered by the King. People came here for the purpose of turning a profit. The history of how the idea of America came to be is an interesting one, going back all the way to William Shakespear, Nicholas of Cusa, and probably even further back than that.

Real prison's inside. We've all got it. We've all got a mind.

One of the best presentations of the issue by Pax:

Enjoy some popcorn.